Thursday, March 6, 2008

The power of Web behaviour as research

There is a story on Australian television viewing, linked to web behaviour on the hitwise blog today:

My first point in relation to this is that I am so predictable! I have personally searched for both So You Think You Can Dance AND Underbelly online over the past couple of weeks (as a consumer not marketer). First up, I was watching "Dance" live evictions and hadn't caught all of the previous nights went looking for them. Then last night, I finally got around to watching a bit of Underbelly. At which point I decided I should start from the beginning, so went digging for downloads. However, I gave up when I realised it was going to take 24 hours to download one ep! (perhaps I can get these old episodes elsewhere? anyone?!)

Enough of my predictable TV viewing habits.

More importantly, after reading this Hitwise piece, I wanted to highlight the enormous power available to us as Marketers to glean insights from web behavior. From a Starcom perspective, this Publicis/Google deal could offer us more power than most. Just imagine the possibilities of working with the data Google have access to. Volume, scope, scale, speed etc. It seems predictability may well be our friend.

So, here's to us being able to do more than imagine!

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