The last two presentations on the day were mobile related. I got a lot out of Nokias presentation in particular.
There were three areas I will mention for you to think about:
- The newer phones now have the functionality allowing you to plug your mobile directly into your, want to go online at home and don't have a connection? - too easy. Why not download the latest Video clip for viewing on the big screen?
- Motion Detection - think Nintendo Wii - your phone becomes your eg tennis racket
-Context is the biggie, the ability to market based on your location is going to have an enormous impact, the opportunities are endless
Re the last point, I got lost driving to a rented holiday house on the weekend. I took the opportunity to download Google maps on to my mobile. Suffice to say I got there pretty quickly after that!
Which got me thinking. The days of one PRIMARY device for everything are not far away at all. I'm sure the early adopters out there are streets ahead of me but I'm already envisaging a future where my mobile device is pretty much my only device. And it all starts when I get an iPhone . (not that again Yvette!)
Further to your comment that GoogleMaps on the mobile is great, it is only great if your phone plan includes data usage or you have a phone like the Nokia n95 or Nokia Communicator that have a GPS installed.
I have the maps program but I'm not paying $10 a month for data usage on my phone. This is a sentiment that hear hear lots from my (internet savvy) friends also. I can imagine a lot of people are holding back from using the internet on their phone because it isn't included with their current phone plan. So will advertising on mobile internet allow us to use it for free? Probably not. Mobile operators would much rather double-dip and charge us for data as well as getting ad revenue (I have a source for this, but can't find it right now). A similar story can be found here
Also, slightly back on topic Advertising Age (US) has a story on big brands using mobile for coupons:
source on telco's double-dipping:
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