Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Data driven display buying - part 1

DSPs, AdExchanges and Audience on Demand
If you read the trade press, you will have picked up on news that there is a new way of buying digital inventory in market. Enter more words and acronyms in the ever evolving digital space such as DSP, AdExchange, real time buying and Audience on Demand.

If you’re thinking ‘what is this all about’? Read on. Actually, even if you’re not thinking that yet, read on – because the topic represents an important industry shift.

The shift
From a big picture perspective, the key shift, is toward leveraging data and technology to buy enormously targeted audiences (and think micro targeting) at large scale, as an alternative to buying contextual environments. This can also be referred to as ‘data driven display’ buying.

This is possible through demand side platforms – or DSPs, new technology now in market, giving agencies piped access to multiple adExchanges. Ad exchanges are technology platforms that facilitate the bidded buying and selling of online media advertising inventory from multiple ad networks – offering huge volumes of impressions.

Currently, only Google operates an Australian based AdExchange, however, we are able to buy through US AdExchanges targeting Australian eyeballs across a number of other AdExchanges. Later this year will see Microsoft also launch a local Exchange.

Through the DSP/AdExchange combo, agencies/marketers are able to trade/bid in real time at an impression level - based on the relevance (using data to ascertain) of the actual impression being served. This is often referred to as ‘real time bidding’.

Whilst similar to a technologically driven AdNetwork or buy (such as Adconion or Microsoft Media Network), there is a key difference. That is, in the open ‘real time buying’ environment, there is no AdNetwork managing yield. You bid and pay only what the impression is worth to the advertiser – using data based knowledge of the user behind the impression. Savings are typically considerable with 30% ROI improvements a realistic outcome on re-marketing (re-messaging a user who has visited your website).

In part 2 we will cover:
  • Accessing data based knowledge
  • Other advantages of data driven display
  • Audience on Demand explained
  • How to get started